Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

    RCIA, or Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is the first step in the process of entering the Catholic Church. Usually beginning in September, this 20 week course will cover the basics of the faith and leads up to new members entering the church at the Easter Vigil.  

    The function of RCIA is to give the inquiring person enough information about the Catholic Faith so they may enter the Church based on a well formed knowledge of fundamental doctrine. RCIA can also be helpful to practicing Catholics as a refresher course or for those who have not practiced their faith and wish to return to a more active participation in the life of the Church. 


    The 2018 RCIA program will be using the Symbolon curriculum by Augustine Institute. RCIA meetings will begin on Tuesday, September 18th, at 6:30pm in the board room of the Ministry Center, 600 N. Liberty Street. Meetings are typically an hour and a half long. 


    For questions or more information regarding RCIA please fill out the registration form to the right of the screen and someone from the parish will contact you.

RCIA Registration Form