Learn the parts of the Mass

At St. Mary's, we try to sing the Ordinary of the Mass with the setting traditionally associated with each season. 

We will be singing Missa de Angelis during Eastertide this year. Click here to listen to the Kyrie. Click here to listen to the Gloria. Click here to listen to the Sanctus. Click here to listen to the Agnus Dei.

We have also begun to chant the Creed. Click here to listen to Credo I.


The parts of the Mass are ancient, and are all beautiful prayers. The Kyrie is a Greek chant, asking God for mercy. The Latin Gloria and the Sanctus praise God's glory and majesty, and the Agnus Dei proclaims the Lamb of God is in our midst. Chanting them together is a powerful way to pray, and understanding what they mean adds just one more layer of depth. 


For Easter: Missa Lux et Origo

For Ordinary Time: Missa de Angelis and Missa Orbis Factor

For Advent: Kyriale Mass XVII

For Christmas, and Feasts of Our Lady: Missa cum Jubilo