Our Christmas Mass Schedule

A Chosen Nation….A Nation of Priests: 3rd Sunday of Advent

I write this on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the patroness of the Americas and one who has become a source and sign of the unity of all peoples.

It strikes me that tonight we have a joint celebration with St. Luke’s Byzantine Catholic Church in Sugar Creek, praying the Akathist Hymn to the Theotokos, Mother of God.  Our Blessed Mother is the sign of the unity of the people of God, that through her son, we are indeed one nation.  From her appearance at Tepayac to St. Juan Diego, to Kibeho in Uganda, Lavang in Vietnam, Our Lady of Fatima and in Champion Wisconsin, she has come to us as we are and while appearing in many ethnicities and nationalities, she is always recognized as the Mother of God.  She is a sign to us of our unity and the Motherhood of all the Church.  That we are a nation, not of blood and genetic traits, but as God described and called forth from the Israelites, a Holy Nation, a Nation of Priests.

It is most fitting that I write this on this Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe as yesterday a number of us met with Bishop Johnston to discuss the condition of Hispanic Ministry in our Diocese, and in particular, addressing a request I had made of him for the adding of a Spanish Mass at St. Mary’s.  There is no definitive answer at this time, as there are a number of things to discern and that this would entail, requiring planning and preparation—and this would have a significant impact on our parish.

However, I will say, that I believe strongly that this is a very important thing for us to do and have here at St. Mary’s.  Not only to serve the growing population of Catholics that are in our parish boundaries, but also, and maybe even more so, because it represents the promise of our name sake.  That St. Mary Parish, like the Blessed Virgin Mary become and reflect the unity of peoples and the Nation of God.  In this way, we would be a visible sign and example of God’s work in the world, living out the invitation to be a Chosen Nation . . . a Nation of Priests. 

The celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass is also a central part of who we are, of the life of the parish and this beautiful Catholic Church.  To add a Spanish Mass, is only fitting for St. Mary Parish.  That giving the place and honor to the oldest parish in the Diocese, “the source and cradle of Catholicism to the region”, that we become a living and vibrant testimony to the People God has chosen and a place worthy of bearing the name of the Mother of God.  I ask that you pray for God’s continued blessings on our parish and turning to Our Lady of Guadalupe, and like her, that we can be a worthy vessel, bearing His Son and becoming a Nation of Priests.

Join us for

Christmas Mass

Christmas Vigil Mass (12/24): 7 pm

Mass at Night: Midnight

Mass at Dawn: 8 am